Innovative MX
At the beginning of OTB, we tried to do segments. It did not really work, except hot topics which we still do intermitently. One of the original segments was the Innovative MX riding tip. I made a fun intro song, which you will hear at the beginning of this and think "Scott rode Suzuki?" and Scott recorded himself into his phone- I think two times. In due time, because of Scott's shoulder injury at Muddy Creek in 18- he wanted to keep his hat in the ring, so Mike and I put him in as an interim third host while he recovered.
Behind the scenes at OTB, we aways struggle to keep a schedule. I work a full time and a half job for a major corporation, race regularly, ride often, and operate my side business with Rippinruts. Mike is the founder and Chief Officer at Boom RC, and has recently come back into stickers with great vigor as he really pushes his award/plaque operation. Scott is a major part of his heavy industrial company's daily operations, has a business with Innovative, and is now back to riding at full scale.
I suggested to Scott, who always was trying to organize Mike and I for a more regular schedule, to buy a microphone and begin recording his own show. Now, you can listen here- as we expand from a single show, to a network with plans to continue including more podcasts and hosts.
I, Jeff, and Mike are very happy and pleased to introduce you to episode 1 of Scott's solo show.
Winners Find Ways.
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